Die Ausgabe 147 der Zeitschrift für Ethnologie│Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology  enthält die folgenden Artikel:

Special Section: Fieldwork Meets Crisis
(Ed. by Mirco Göpfert, Andrea Behrends, Minh Nguyen, Thomas G. Kirsch, Anna Lisa Ramella, Thomas Stodulka, Magnus Treiber and Asta Vonderau)

Mirco Göpfert, Andrea Behrends, Thomas G. Kirsch, Minh Nguyen,
Anna Lisa Ramella, Thomas Stodulka, Magnus Treiber, Asta Vonderau:
Fieldwork Meets Crisis. Introduction ………………………………………………………………………. 1
Hannah Bartels, Ina Tanita Burda, Claudia Eggart, Katharina Nowak, Sara Wiederkehr:
‘Can You Hear Me?’ Five Reflections on Building Rapport Online During the
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic …………………………………………………………………….. 13
Gesa Grimme, Katharina Nowak: The Emergence of New Contact Zones?
Ethnographic Museums, the COVID-19 Pandemic, and the Digital Age …………………….. 33
Sabrina Stallone, Mariana Arjona Soberón: Interrupted Futures: Transformed Activist
and Research Knowledge Practices in Times of ‘Crisis’………………………………………………. 53
Jenny García Ruales, Benedict Mette-Starke, Joaquín Molina, Naomi Rattunde:
Sharing Messages, Not Meals: Engaging with Non-Humans in Fieldwork
during the Pandemic …………………………………………………………………………………………… 75
John Borneman: Afterword: Pandemic Effects on Teaching and Fieldwork,
or what’s Left of Participant Observation after the Pandemic? ……………………………………. 99

Shortcuts: Crisis Meets Crises
Prince K. Guma: Thinking Through Regimes of Survival and Improvisation
in Times of Crisis: Considerations for Urban Research ……………………………………………. 113
Kelvin E.Y. Low, Noorman Abdullah: The Crisis of Sensory Citizenship
in Dense Urban Living ………………………………………………………………………………………. 119
Edward D. Lowe: The End(s) of Mobilities: An Ethnographic Shortcut
on a Micronesian Experience During the COVID-19 Pandemic ………………………………. 127
Marek Mikuš: Layered Crises and Rhythms of Household Debt and the COVID-19
Pandemic in Eastern Europe……………………………………………………………………………….. 131
Antonius C. G. M. Robben: Roundabout Fieldwork during Infectious
and Ideological Pandemics………………………………………………………………………………….. 137
Silvia Vignato: Crisis, Catastrophe and Long-term Fieldwork with Children ……………… 143
Phill Wilcox, Ngoc Minh Luong: Life and Debt: Financial Precarity, COVID-19
and Ethical Dilemmas in Laos and Vietnam ………………………………………………………….. 149

Special Section: DGSKA/GAA Prize Winners
Heike Drotbohm: DGSKA/GAA Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Prize Winners …………… 155
Sabrina Maurus: Schoolchildren as Intermediaries: Fights over Children,
Education and Power in Hamar on Ethiopia’s Southwestern Frontier ……………………. 157
Boris Wille: Face-to-Facebook Activism and the Politics of Proximity
in the Maldives………………………………………………………………………………………………… 173
Christoph Lange: A Global Arabian Horse Kula, or: ‘The Fundamental
Interconnectedness of All Things’ ………………………………………………………………………… 189

Heike Drotbohm: Trigger in the Rearview: Staying with the Discomfort
in Teaching Anthropology ………………………………………………………………………………….. 203

Martin Rössler: Ulla C. Johansen († 2021) ……………………………………………………………. 209
Joachim Otto Habeck: Ulla C. Johansen († 2021)………………………………………………….. 211

Graeber, David, and David Wengrow: The Dawn of Everything: A New History of
Humanity (Florian Mühlfried) …………………………………………………………………………….. 215
Platenkamp, Jos D.M., and Almut Schneider (eds.): Integrating Strangers:
Perspectives from Elsewhere (Peter Berger) ………………………………………………………………. 218
Blavascunas, Eunice: Foresters, Borders, and Bark Beetles: The Future of Europe’s
Last Primeval Forest (Mario Krämer) …………………………………………………………………….. 221
Rückamp, Veronika: Alltag in der Moschee. Eine Feldforschung jenseits von
Integrationsfragen (Marcel Klapp) …………………………………………………………………………. 223
Jebens, Holger (Hg.): Nicht alles verstehen – Wege und Umwege in der deutschen
Ethnologie (Udo Mischek)…………………………………………………………………………………… 227
Anthropologie im Anthropozän – aktuelle deutschsprachige Sammelbände
(Christoph Antweiler) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 230
Lene Faust: Neofaschismus in Italien. Politik, Familie und Religion in Rom.
Eine Ethnographie (Alice Blum) …………………………………………………………………………… 240
Christoph Brumann: The Best We Share. Nation, Culture and World-Making in the
UNESCO World Heritage Arena (Ulrike Niedner-Kalthoff) ………………………………………. 243
Behrend, Heike: Menschwerdung eines Affen. Eine Autobiografie der ethnografischen
Forschung (Stéphanie Majerus) …………………………………………………………………………….. 247
Gold, Marina and Alessandro Zagato (eds.): After the Pink Tide: Corporate State
Formation and New Egalitarianisms in Latin America (Johannes M. Waldmüller)…………. 250