Alex, Gabriele, Alexis von Poser: A New Beginning………………………………………………….1
Special SectionEnvisioning Anthropological Futures (and Provincializing their Origins)Ed. by Kristina Mashimi, Thomas Stodulka, Hansjörg Dilger, Anita von Poser, Dominik Mattes and Birgitt Röttger-Rössler
Mashimi, Kristina, Thomas Stodulka, Hansjörg Dilger, Anita von Poser: Introduction: Envisioning Anthropological Futures (and Provincializing their Origins)………………..3
Kehr, Janina: Toward the Otherwise: Anthropology, Politics, Medicine………………………27
Criado, Tomás Sánchez: Anthropology as a Careful Design Practice?…………………………47
Haug, Michaela: Framing the Future through the Lens of Hope: Environmental Change, Diverse Hopes and the Challenge of Engagement……………..71
Calkins, Sandra: Writing Planetary Futures: Plants, Loss, and Intersections of STS and Anthropology in Germany……………………………………………………………….93
Pijpers, Robert Jan: Lost Glory or Poor Legacy? The Past as a Political Instrument in a Sierra Leonean Mining Town……………………………………………………………………..111
Antweiler, Christoph: Transdisziplinarität als ko-produktives Scheitern? Autoethnographische Reflexionen zu einem Projekt in Thailand……………………………….131
Jackson, Michael D.: Critique of Identity Thinking (Annika Lems)………………………………..153
Karpiak, Kevin G., and William Garriott (eds.): The Anthropology of Police(Thomas Bierschenk)…………………………………………………………………………………………….156
Edenheiser, Iris und Larissa Förster (Hg.): Museumsethnologie – Eine Einführung. Theorien, Debatten, Praktiken (Alexis Malefakis)……………………………………………………….159
Geißler, Paul Wenzel et al. (Hg.): Amani – auf den Spuren einer kolonialen Forschungsstation in Tansania. Postcolonial Studies Reihe (Sandra Calkins)………………………163
Carla Stang: A Walk to the River in Amazonia. Ordinary Reality for the Mehinaku Indians (Ulrike Prinz)…………………………………………………………………………….165
Welper, Elena (org.): Chamado da Selva. Correspondência entre Curt Nimuendajú e Herbert Baldus (Hannes Stubbe)…………………………………………………………………………..170